Earn up to 10% variable APY on your money
Base APY rates as of February 16th, 2024. APYs are variable.
Earn up to 20X more on your money
When comparing to the US national average rate of .47% as of January 16, 2024. Earn with USDC, USDT, DAI, and ETH.
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Safely grow your money with stablecoins
Grow your savings using USDC, USDT, or DAI and escape price changes from market volatility.
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Your money is safer on Sock
We never touch your money
Sock is self-custodial, so your money is always safe.
Convert cash to crypto
Move your money in and out of crypto in minutes.
Your funds are safe and secure
Industry leading security for peace of mind.
Frequently asked questions
How is Sock different from CoinBase, Binance etc?
Sock is entirely self-custodial, meaning we never touch your funds, they are secured on the blockchain, and can only be accessed by you. Centralized exchanges like Coinbase and Binance hold custody of your money, and can be perceived as an additional layer of risk. Additionally, most centralized exchanges will charge fees for earning that are opaque, and may appear to earn lower vAPYs.
Is Sock Safe? What does non-custodial / self-custodial mean?
Sock uses industry-leading security for peace of mind. Non-custody means that Sock never touches or controls your money. Your funds are secured on the blockchain, and can only be accessed and controlled by you.
Does Sock re-invest or loan out my funds?
No, sock never touches customer funds. Unlike traditional banks or other investing apps, your money stays in your account and is always available to you. Sock is a non-custodial investment app.
How does earning work?
Sock utilizes the decentralized lending and borrowing network Aave to enable you to earn yield on your crypto. Aave has over $11 billion dollars in value locked and is widely recognized as one of the largest and safest protocols in decentralized finance. Your tokens are deposited into an Aave lending pool where they earn a variable rate APY depending on borrowing demand. Interest compounds every second (yes really), and yield earned is automatically reinvested.
What are the risks of earning?
Sock utilizes the decentralized lending and borrowing network Aave to enable you to earn yield on your crypto. No platform can be considered entirely risk free. The risks related to the Aave platform are the smart contract risk (risk of a bug within the protocol code) and liquidation risk (risk on the collateral liquidation process). Every possible step has been taken to minimize the risk as much as possible-- the protocol code is public and open source and it has been audited.
Where is Sock available?
Sock is available in 60+ countries worldwide on iOS and Android platforms. Supported countries include Argentina, Australia, Bahamas, Barbados, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Germany, Guatemala, Honduras, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Jamaica, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Scotland, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vietnam. Don't see your country on the list? Add your email to the waitlist at https://sock.app/waitlist to show your interest in Sock and be notified when we launch in your country
What networks does Sock support?
Sock currently runs on the Arbitrum blockchain network and the Bitcoin blockchain network. Sock supports buying, selling, swapping, sending, and receiving crypto or tokens on Arbitrum or Bitcoin.
How does Sock make money?
Sock takes a small transaction feee (.85%) on all investing trades (swaps).